
Events API Documentation

Registration API Integration

BlueJeans Events - Registration allows to Integrate with Apps.

Follow these steps to integrate registration for BlueJeans Events from an App

1. Create an App

You need to have an App in BlueJeans Events. Follow these instructions if you have not created an App. These are the App credentials you need to have before integration.

  • client_id / App Key
  • client_secret / App Secret

2. Event Registration

You can make an Event registration enabled through Create or Edit Event APIs. This is the request entity snippet for registration.

        "enableRegistration": true,
        "registration": {
            "integrationModified": true,
            "integration": [
                    "provider": "apiIntegration"

API specification sample to Create an registration enabled Event. Upon success, it returns the id of the Event, aka eventId.

Method: POST
    Content-type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    Authorization: Bearer "access_token_value"
Request Body:
     "title": "Bluejeans Registration Integration",
     "start": 1471008436069,
     "end": 1471008836069,
     "description": "Bluejeans Registration Integration - Demo",
     "enableRegistration": true,
     "registration": {
          "approvalType" : "AUTO",
          "integrationModified": true,
          "integration": [
                  "provider": "apiIntegration"
Response status code: 201
Response Body:
       "id":"id of the Event" 

API specification sample to Edit an Event to make it registration enabled.

Method: PUT
    Content-type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    Authorization: Bearer "access_token_value"
Request Body:
     "title": "Bluejeans Registration Integration",
     "enableRegistration": true,
        "registration": {
            "approvalType" : "AUTO",
            "integrationModified": true,
            "integration": [
                    "provider": "apiIntegration"
Response status code: 204
Response Body:
    No Response

The access_token_value present in the Authorization header, is the value present in Get user app token API response.

3. Get Event Api Key

You need to get the apiKey of the Event required to generate Event Registration Access Token.

API specification sample to get apiKey of an Event.

Method: GET
    Content-type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    Authorization: Bearer "access_token_value"
Request Body:
Response status code: 200
Response Body:
  "id": "event_id of the Event",
  "registration": {
    "approvalType": "AUTO",
    "approvalCount": {
      "approved": 0,
      "declined": 0,
      "pending": 0
    "apiKey": "api key of the event"

The access_token_value present in the Authorization header, is the value present in Get user app token API response.

4. Get Event Registration Access Token

You need to generate Event registration access token before calling User Registration API. Follow these API specifications.

URL     :
Method  : POST
Headers : 
    Content-type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
Request Body:
        "properties": {
            "client_id":"clientId generated in Step 1",
            "client_secret":"clientSecret generated in Step 1",
            "api_key":" api key got in Step 3"
Response status code: 200
Sample Response Body:
        "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJldmVudElkIjoiYWNlZWFlNDYtNGUzNy00MDc1LThhYjEtMzZlNWZkZjhjMWM5IiwiZ3JhbnRfdHlwZSI6InJlZ2lzdHJhdGlvbl9hcHAiLCJpc3MiOiJQcmltZXRpbWUiLCJ1c2VyUm9sZSI6IlJFR0lTVFJBVElPTl9BUFAiLCJleHAiOjE1MTE2MTkyNzUsImlhdCI6MTUxMTUzMjg3NX0.JMHZyKeb9CXdYUkMC-A7DOwDK72JZVaMePtqQvvThZGwmjtyKxke1TaHCUedKSlDY-zANfL1wg3pR9UGb6d5Pw",
        "expires_in": 86400


5. Register User for the Event

You need to call Event's user registration API. Follow these API specifications.

URL     :{eventId got in Step 2}/users/integration/app
Method  : POST
Headers : 
    Content-type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    Authorization: Bearer {access_token got in Step 4} 
Request Body:
         "name":"name of user",
Response status code: 200
Sample Response Body:
        "eventUrl": ""
The 'eventUrl' got in the response is the BlueJeans Events url. Its unique for each Attendee and an Attendee will be able to join the Event using this Events url.

6. Un Register User for the Event

If the User is registered for the Event and you want to cancel the registration for the particular Event, then you need to call this API. Follow these API specifications.

URL     :{eventId got in Step 2}/changeState
Method  : POST
Headers : 
    Content-type: application/json
    Accept: application/json
    Authorization: Bearer {access_token got in Step 4} 
Request Body:
Response status code: 204

You can provide multiple emails in "emails" list attribute. Once success, whatever the 'eventUrl' User would have received in the previous Step, won't be valid.